
Divine Attributes: Knowing the Covenantal God of Scripture is unavailable, but you can change that!

This book offers a clear and constructive account of the nature and attributes of God. It addresses the doctrine of God from exegetical, historical, and constructive-theological perspectives, bringing the biblical portrayal of God in relationship to the world into dialogue with prominent philosophical and theological questions. The book engages questions such as: Does God change? Does God have...

a diversity of patristic views on this issue and that many fathers, including some Gavrilyuk deems orthodox, employed (qualified) expressions of divine suffering.22 Noting “ ‘impassibilist’ positions proposed by some of the Fathers that seem akin to what would, in modern theology, be termed ‘passibilism,’ ” Anastasia Philippa Scrutton similarly concludes, “Some modern forms of passibilism may not be as much of a break from tradition as has generally been perceived.”23 If this is right, some patristic
Pages 45–46